Dear Friends of the LADCC:
Thank you so much for your support of our efforts at last night’s awards show. We are so pleased at the reactions to the event and the delighted reactions so many of the nominees, recipients, presenters, sponsors, and audience members have expressed to us.
I do, however, need to make a deep apology to Mr. Allen Barton and the Beverly Hills Playhouse, sponsors of the Milton Katselas Award for career achievement in direction. Mr. Barton was in attendance at the event, and was fully prepared and ready to be called on stage and present the award to this year’s recipient, Ms. Elina de Santos. Through a combination of crossed wires and missteps, all of the checks I had put in place for bringing up all of the VIPs failed, and so the presentation came and went without Mr. Barton’sparticipation.
We hate it when anything goes wrong, but particularly when it comes to our sponsors, whose names I read aloud in my thanks. At that time I expressed my feelings, and those of the Circle, in citing how much they do, and how far they go above and beyond, in support of the LA theatrical community. We have always sought to go above and beyond in our treatment of them at the awards event. Clearly we failed last night.
As the producer I take total responsibility for the oversight. I apologize profoundly to Mr. Barton and the Beverly Hills Playhouse, to whom no slight was intended. I also apologize to Elina de Santos, whose career and accomplishments deserved better at my hands. Finally, I apologize to my fellow LADCC members, whose commitment always to make our sponsors the highest priority I let down as well.
Bob Verini.