CLUTCH at the Sportsmen’s Lodge

Photo by Kristina Lloyd

Neal Weaver – Stage Raw

There have been a number of plays in which the action occurs at a funeral, but now, Liz Shannon Miller’s Clutch is being staged in a venue actually dedicated to funerals, weddings, and bar mitzvahs. We’re asked to believe, however self-consciously, that we’re at the real funeral of former football star and wide-receiver Gordon Beers, who has just died under questionable circumstances. Read more…

Deborah Klugman – LA Weekly

In 2012, over a million high school kids played football, but the sport has been hit with criticism in recent years, with mounting evidence of brain injuries and other ills. Liz Shannon Miller capitalizes on the controversy in Clutch, a soap operatic effort short on character and logic, heavy on stale humor and melodrama.  Read more…

Now running through May 5.