No Place Like Gandersheim @ Skylight Theatre

Lauren Gaw, Shannon Holt, Charrell Mack and Jamey Hood (Photo by Jenny Graham)

Terry Morgan – Stage Raw

There have already been films and other works of art concerning the “Me Too” movement, but No Place Like Gandersheim is the first play I can think of that talks about its aftermath. That isn’t even the main subject of the piece, which concerns the plight of a woman writer trying to get her voice heard without censorship or meddling — but its inclusion (along with the coincidental timing of the current writers’ strike) makes for a compelling script. Oh, and did I mention it’s a time-travel comedy? The world premiere production at the Skylight Theatre is very entertaining and benefits from an excellent cast, especially a consistently hilarious performance by Shannon Holt. Read more…

Don Shirley – Angeles Stage

It’s hard to think of a play that covers more centuries and places — in only 90 minutes — than Elizabeth Dement’s “No Place Like Gandersheim,” at the Skylight Theatre in Los Feliz.