Les Spindle – Frontiers L.A.
Reaching back to its early years, the 34-year-old Victory Theatre Center is offering a new production of Kos Kostmayer’s On the Money, previously presented there in 1982. The play takes a stab at exploring certain themes still relevant in modern times, primarily the desperate challenges of many American citizens to make financial ends meet when the odds against that can seem insurmountable. Read more…
Deborah Klugman – ArtsBeatLA
In Kos Kostmayer’s On the Money, directed by Tom Ormeny, three overworked and underpaid employees with pressing financial problems debate whether or not to steal from their boss whose sole concern is his own profit. Read more…
Steven Leigh Morris – LA Weekly
If you also miss the 20th century, and how it paved the way for today, you might want to check out Kos Kostmayer’s On the Money at Burbank’s Victory Theatre. This same company staged this same play 30 years ago. Its presentation now is part of the Victory’s 35th-anniversary season. Read more…
Now running through March 2.