Deborah Klugman – ArtsBeatLA
What do Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Leo Tolstoy have in common? In Scott Carter’s intellectually upscale comedy, all three are smug anthropomorphic spirits, trapped in a single chamber purgatory and forced to communicate despite their disdain for any view contradicting their own. Read more…
Dany Margolies – Arts In LA
History’s great minds might agree on some things. But that wouldn’t make a very interesting play, and they probably wouldn’t agree on much. In this world premiere script, playwright Scott Carter postulates a meeting among—as his title indicates—our Constitution’s main framer, 19th-century England’s most-celebrated male novelist, and Russia’s perhaps greatest novelist ever. Heady stuff, right? Read more…
Steven Leigh Morris – LA Weekly
So three guys walk into a room, and one of them says …
This is the premise of Scott Carter’s The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord, presented by a trio of production companies at NoHo Arts Center. Read more…

Now running through February 23.