Lovell Estell III — Stage Raw
Director Linda Kerns and a spirited cast do an excellent job with this old “chestnut” by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman. It’s rarely produced and tricky to stage successfully because of its dizzying carousel of characters and dated strain of humor. This production is a welcome addition to the usual L.A. theater offerings that make the rounds during the holiday season. Read more…
Rob Stevens – Haines His Way
The noted playwriting team of Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman wrote their comedy The Man Who Came to Dinner in 1939 and the Broadway production starring Monty Wooley ran for 739 performances. Actors Co-Op in Hollywood is presenting their stylish production during the current holiday season. It may not be the perfect incarnation, but it is fun hearing an intelligent, witty and well-constructed play that is almost 80 years old.
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Now running through December 17