The Red Suitcase @ P3 THEATRE COMPANY

Kristen McCullough and Bruce Melena (all photos by Dlugolecki Photography)

Rob Stevens – Haines His Way

Often when I see the World Premiere of a play in our local theatres, I will read in the program that the play was the winner of the so and so playwriting award. Then often after sitting through a very dispiriting piece of theatre, I begin to wonder who judged that contest or better yet, if this was the best entry what the others were like. I am happy to report that The Red Suitcase by Jiggs Burgess, which won Best Play in the inaugural Del Shores Foundation Writers Search, does not fall into that dubious category of winner? Really? The play by the Texas playwright is receiving its World Premiere at the Broadwater Mainstage Theatre, produced by P3 Theatre Company. Read more…

Deborah Klugman  – Stage Raw

Pivoting on the experience of an abused and bullied child, the play tells an important story while featuring graceful passages and several affecting segments. These strengths, however, are obscured by a number of less-than-assured performances, non-enhancing tech values and an over-extended catharsis. Read more…