Bob Verini – ArtsInLA
If you revel in fine actors’ pushing the envelope of what performance can do, or have an interest in investigating important historical experience via theatrical means, this ungainly-named but unforgettable work is *the* production of the summer, just as Son of Semele’srecently closed Our Class was *the* production of the spring. In both, a splendidly unified ensemble, masterfully directed, shape-shifts among multiple roles to tackle, head-on, the 20th century’s legacy of dread.
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Terry Morgan – LAist
One of the truisms of theatre is that one doesn’t need a lot of money to do it right; you just require creativity and talent. The latest example of this is a new show with a very long title: We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About The Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From The German Sudwestafrika, Between The Years 1884-1915. The west coast premiere of Jackie Sibblies Drury’s play at the Matrix Theatre is a dazzling tour de force of brilliant writing, acting and direction, and, despite the serious subject matter, it’s frequently hilarious.
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