Terry Morgan – Stage Raw
John Bunzel’s new play is reminiscent of David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross, but more comedic in intent. The story takes place in the milieu of “wealth management” during a fictional financial catastrophe as the various characters attempt to screw each other over or profit from the chaos. Read more…
Steven Leigh Morris – LA Weekly
For a snapshot of our bifurcated city through the lens of our 99-seat theater, see John Bunzel’s money management farce 63 Trillion, presented by the New American Theatre at the Westside’s Odyssey Theatre, and then head east to Boyle Heights to watch Emmanuel Deleage and Lorenzo Alfredo’s earnest bio-drama An L.A. Journey: The Story of Lorenzo Alfredo, about an orphan child’s journey, without papers, from Guatemala to L.A. Read more…”
Margaret Gray – LA Times
Someday a play may come along to challenge the prevailing view that anyone who handles other people’s money for a living is a venal, soulless opportunist. John Bunzel’s “63 Trillion,” in its world premiere guest-produced by New American Theatre at the Odyssey, is not that play. Read more…
Now running through June 7.