Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move I’ll be honest. I’d never seen the show before. And, I was seriously doubting I was going to be able to sit through another hour and a half of a farce about a…
Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move I’ll be honest. I’d never seen the show before. And, I was seriously doubting I was going to be able to sit through another hour and a half of a farce about a…
Anita W. Harris – LA Theatrix The play thus offers many lenses through which to challenge notions of race and gender—including a hilarious science-based plot twist near the end—successfully inverting what we might think of as true and fixed.…
Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA I kept thinking during the performance what it must have been like for Guillermo Cienfuegos to read Will Arbery’s densely absurd yet hauntingly topical script for the first time. It would be hard to imagine…
Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA This is one of the supernaturally-inclined Steve Yockey’s creepiest plays and certainly one of the most unsettling in another near-perfect partnership with director Ann Hearn Toblowsky, who so obviously “gets” him bigtime, and the unstoppably…
Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA It pains me greatly not to have better things to say about what I thought was sure to be a definitive mounting of Arthur Miller’s Pulitzer Prize-winning 1949 classic but unfortunately, it truly is a…