A DELICATE SHIP at the Road on Magnolia

Photo by Brian M. Cole

Neal Weaver  – Stage Raw

Anna Ziegler’s play is a subtle examination of tangled human emotions — perceptive but only moderately satisfying. The play is threaded with many references to the mythological Icarus who fell to his death when he flew too close to the sun. Sarah quotes W. H. Auden’s poem “Musee Des Beaux Arts,” which is inspired by Pieter Breughel’s painting “The Fall of Icarus.” And the delicate ship of Ziegler’s title refers to the ship in Breughel’s painting which passes by, oblivious to Icarus as he falls into the sea. Ziegler appears to be equating Nate with Icarus, which seems a stretch. And the final coda suggests that both Sam and Sarah have moved on, largely unaffected by Nate’s fall. In the end, though, it’s not clear just how much of this could be understood without a knowledge of Breughel’s painting. Read more…

Rob Stevens – Haines His Way

The Road Theatre Company is currently presenting the West Coast Premiere of playwright Anna Ziegler’s A Delicate Ship at their space on Magnolia Blvd. in North Hollywood. It’s a delicate memory play with three thirty-something characters who constantly break the fourth wall as they tell the audience of past memories and even some future memories.
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Now running through March 11