Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA
I kept thinking during the performance what it must have been like for Guillermo Cienfuegos to read Will Arbery’s densely absurd yet hauntingly topical script for the first time. It would be hard to imagine the idea of directing such an idiosyncratic piece of theatrical indulgence could have been anything but an intimidating concept, but it proved to be a challenge Rogue Machine’s exceptionally sturdy artistic director handled with consummate skill and an equally quirky sense of unstoppable theatricality. Read more…
Deborah Klugman – Stage Raw
Evanston Salt Costs Climbing is one of those plays wherein sterling execution hangs on the scrupulous intermingling of light and dark, the wacky with the serious, the humor with the gloom. Read more…
Terry Morgan – ArtsBeatLA
Amidst the current blitzkrieg of corruption currently happening from the new presidential administration in this country, it’s difficult to gather focus to write a theater review. I mean, it’s difficult to concentrate on anything right now, no matter one’s job – we are in perilous, uncharted waters. How do we deal with this? Thematically, that’s the underlying point of Will Arbery’s Evanston Salt Costs Climbing, an unspoken mounting sense of panic about the state of the world. It seems like an appropriate topic at the moment, and the west coast premiere at Rogue Machine is a strong, brilliantly acted production of an entertaining, well-meaning but somewhat uneven play. Read more…