FUNNY GIRL at Plummer Auditorium

Photo by Isaac Jacobs

David C. Nichols – LA Times

 A star is reborn in “Funny Girl,” now marching its band out in Fullerton (and soon after, Redondo Beach). This solid 3D Theatricals revival of the classic 1964 musical generally engrosses, and triumphs in lead Nicole Parker.

Shining in every detail, Parker’s nuanced, platinum-voiced Fanny Brice withstands the Streisand factor — a hurdle for every Fanny after the role launched Barbra to superstardom — with breathtaking results. From first entrance on designer Stephen Gifford’s initial bare-stage setting to emotional final moments, Parker reinvents the character, her comic mastery, palpable honesty and soaring chops creating a memorable turn.  Read more…

 Bob Verini –   ArtsInLA

3–D Theatricals’s handsomely mounted but anemic Funny Girl has taken the title too literally. Nicole Parker’s Fanny Brice practically bounces off the walls to get laughs. The actor seems to have internalized much of the available video and audio of the legendary comedienne, and channels Brice’s oy-vey, Baby Snooks mannerisms rather well.
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Now running through September 22.