All productions photos by Jason Niedle.

Terry Morgan – ArtsBeatLA

The first time I encountered Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, I identified strongly with the title character, both with his frustrations and what he thought of as the tragedy of his life. As I got older, however, and saw many more productions of the play, I began to recognize that many of Vanya’s problems were solvable and that the person responsible for ruining his life was mainly himself. Apparently playwright Aaron Posner felt the same way, because his look at Vanya, entitled Life Sucks., brilliantly interrogates not only cranky Uncle V but also all the other characters in the play to attempt to understand their tragedies and possibly resolve them. The new production by Interact Theatre Company at the Broadwater Main Stage is superb – funny, smart, audacious and finally quite moving. Read more…

Deborah Klugman  – Stage Raw
A rumination on life, love and loss, its Chekhovian perspective filtered through our modern sensibilities, it’s a droll, wit-filled dramedy, regretfully receiving a “just okay” staging by director Barry Heins. Read more…