RIO HONDO at Theatre of NOTE

Photo by Kevin Sharp

Deborah Klugman – LA Weekly

If you’re in need of a diversion in these terrible, wearisome times — and surely we all are — might I suggest Theatre of Note’s uproarious staging of Bill Robens’ western parody Rio Hondo, under the imaginative direction of Jaime Robledo. Read more…

Terry Morgan  –  Stage Raw

Even a fan of classic Westerns would have to admit that occasionally they’re a bit dramatically overripe, full of unregenerate machismo and with views on race and sex that are best kept in their respective eras. Of course these themes have been parodied before, notably in Blazing Saddles, but theatre needed its turn, and Bill Robens has provided it with the witty and knowing Rio Hondo…… Read more…

Now running through December 20.