THE BEST OF ENEMIES at the Colony Theatre

Photo by Michael Lamont

David C. Nichols – LA Times

Two weeks remain to catch “The Best of Enemies” in its West Coast premiere at the Colony Theatre in Burbank. The production is mandatory viewing for anyone who values the stage’s ability to provoke thought about serious social issues.

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Deborah Klugman – Stage Raw

C..P. Ellis was a local leader of the Ku Klux Klan when he was drafted to serve on a committee overseeing school desegregation in Durham, North Carolina in 1971.  His nemesis on the committee, Ann Atwater, was a militant African-American civil rights activist.  The two despised each other  – that is, until they began to understand that the issues they had in common were more numerous and pressing than the hatred which kept them apart.

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Now running through October 18.