The Wake – a Hollywood Fringe production at Theatre Asylum

Pauline Adamek  – ArtsBeatLA

At the beginning of his one-person play The Wake, Ben Moroski — posing as ‘Pete Harrisburg’ — rushes in, introduces himself with a self-deprecating “I’m the asshole doing this play,” and then hands audience members flyers for this show. Moroski thus places an important distance between him — the writer and performer — and the character’s tale that unfolds. Read more…

Deborah Klugman – Stage Raw

In Ben Moroski’s mesmerizing solo show, it’s not so much the story he spins as the manner in which he spins it that grips your attention. Moroski’s mercurial narrator Peter is a novice actor, whose workshop performance under the tutelage of a therapeutic instructor recounts an ego-shattering breakup with a woman he adored and depended on. Read more…