THE WHIPPING MAN at South Coast Repertory

Photo by Debora Robinson

Margaret Gray – LA Times

Remember the scene in “Gone With the Wind” when Scarlett fries latkes for a Hanukkah party at Tara? No? Right, there wasn’t such a scene. American Civil War sagas seldom reflect a Jewish perspective.

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Terry Morgan  –  Stage Raw

Matthew Lopez’s The Whipping Man is reputed to be one of the most widely produced American plays of the past few years. I can see why. It’s well written, with several splendid speeches for actors. It only has three roles and doesn’t necessarily require a fancy set.

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Melinda Schupmann – Arts In LA

Matthew Lopez’s evocative Civil War story opens in near darkness as a Jewish Confederate captain, Caleb (Adam Haas Hunter), drags himself into his severely damaged home near Richmond, Va., a few days after the recent cessation of the war. Seriously wounded, he is met by former slave Simon (Charlie Robinson), who has stayed behind to look after things after the family fled.

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Now running through January 25.