WHITTIER BOULEVARD, Latino Theatre Company at LATC

Lucy Rodriguez and Geoffey Rivas. Photo by Grettel Cortes Photography.

Deborah Klugman – Stage Raw.

In a world grown progressively more dystopian, the collectively created Whittier Boulevard seems apt indeed —even more so for people of a certain age.

An ensemble piece from the Latino Theater Company, made resonant by stunning projections and a sonorous score and sound, it’s a stygian satire set in a formidably futuristic Los Angeles circa 2042. A waft of storms and shortages has disrupted the social fabric and ushered in the mandated killing-off of unmarried individuals who have reached 75 — as well as a host of other totalitarian interdictions, including a ban on cannabis and the death penalty for people who are gay. Read more…

Patrick Chavis – LA Theatre Bites

WHITTIER BOULEVARD @ Latino Theatre Company – 9 out of 10! Exceptional Show! LA Theatre Bites Recommended! Read more…