Considering the ongoing, essentially bogus view of Los Angeles theater as a tertiary entity to films and television — in fact, L.A. enjoys as vibrant, actively engaged a theatrical community as any city in the nation – it’s ominous for the entire landscape that the Colony Theatre in Burbank faces possible closure due to their current financial crisis.
After 37 years of steady growth, from a 99-seat Equity-waiver house in Silver Lake to a mid-size Equity house in Burbank, the Colony has been hard-hit by the national economic downturn. From the perspective of the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle, which has awarded the company multiple times over that period, including the prestigious Margaret Harford Awardfor sustained excellence in theater, it’s particularly upsetting, not least given that in past years the Colony has graciously hosted the Circle’s annual awards show, going above and beyond the call of duty to help this non-profit organization put on the best celebration of excellence in Los Angeles theater possible.
While this is hardly the only local theater struggling with severe monetary straits, it would set a dangerous precedent for all L.A. theaters, and strike a major blow to the community, if so professionally-minded, quality-proven a venue cannot remain open.
Therefore, the Circle expresses its support for artistic director Barbara Beckley, executive director Trent Steelman and everyone involved at the Colony.
Please visit this link to their website and donate whatever you can to help keep this venerated theater in active producing mode.
David C. Nichols
LADCC President