F. Kathleen Foley – Stage Raw
As for the production itself, director/choreographer Jeremy Lucas and a vigorous cast remind us of why Rent remains an important theatrical milestone, even after the shadow of AIDS has been largely dispelled by life-saving medical advances. Read more…
Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA
To discover that the Taper would reopen with yet another grand collaboration between CTG and Deaf West, once again featuring both deaf and hearing performers, and that it would be a massive reworking of Green Day’s Tony-winning 2009 musical adaptation of their pioneering 2004 concept album, made the world slightly less discouraging than usual. Read more…
Katie Buenneke – Stage Raw
Probably the first pop-punk opera, American Idiot has never been an easy show to stage. Director Snehal Desai has taken on the task in his inaugural season programming for CTG as artistic director, and he sometimes succeeds, but isn’t able to avoid all the show’s pitfalls. Read more…
Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move
In keeping with their reliably, edgy genre, Deaf West Theatre in collaboration with Center Theater Group has brought to life yet another powerhouse musical production at the Mark Taper Forum. This one though, is different. Green Day’s AMERICAN IDIOT is a serious level up. Read more…