Photo by Craig Schwartz

Bob Verini –   Arts In LA

Kimber Lee’s different words for the same thing, directed by Neel Keller, seems intended as an Our Townfor our time. Like the Thornton Wilder classic, it takes a cross-section of a little burg to investigate themes of love, death, and community, though Lee’s strategy is more tightly focused on a single catastrophic event, and she brings in issues of race, ethnicity, and class on which Wilder was mute. Read more…

Deborah Klugman – LA Weekly

Stage dramas are sometimes weighed down with exposition, but in Kimber Lee’s different words for the same thing, a moody piece with lyric qualities, the opposite is true. A work about love, loss and the road to healing, it’s nearly half over before the links between its characters clearly emerge and its story begins to cohere. Prior to that the play registers as a set of loosely related fragments, only minimally interesting because the events portrayed appear so random and the characters so lacking in personal history. Read more…

Myron Meisel – The Hollywood Reporter

Part of the frenzy of reaction to the demographic and social changes in the United States has been the panicky realization that the impending threat of diversity has been irreversibly underway for such a considerable time that a more heterogeneous culture has already progressed in many ways toward acceptance as a norm. The arts have properly been in the vanguard of advocating for this new reality….. Read more…

Now running through June 1.