Every Brilliant Thing @ GEFFEN PLAYHOUSE

Daniel K. Isaac stars in Duncan Macmillan and Jonny Donahoe’s Every Brilliant Thing, directed by Colm Summers, at the Geffen Playhouse. (© Isaak Berliner)

Harker Jones – BroadwayWorld

EVERY BRILLIANT THING is a deeply affecting meditation on grief and mental illness told with humor and a clear-eyed optimism that makes the message that much more powerful. Read more…

Patrick Chavis – LA Theatre Bites Podcast

7.5 out of 10! Above Average! Read more…

Jonas Schwartz – Theatermania

It may be human to have a me-first attitude and focus only on your own drama, but that would be antithetical to the play’s recommendation. We all build bridges to uplift ourselves and everyone around us, and that is a brilliant thing indeed. Read more…