The play thus offers many lenses through which to challenge notions of race and gender—including a hilarious science-based plot twist near the end—successfully inverting what we might think of as true and fixed. It’s a refreshingly lighthearted way of sending up those concepts, though a more substantive story would have made it more interesting as well. Read more…
Jonas Schwartz – Theatermania
Cultural appropriation and the delegitimizing of an entire culture are timely topics. Center Theatre Group’s production of Larissa FastHorse’s world premiere play Fake It Until You Make It takes on these and other issues in what could have been a stinging satire. Unfortunately, the play confuses its themes and lacks the humor that might have redeemed it. Read more…
Edward Hong – The Nerds Of Color
Despite an incredibly rocky beginning and occasionally inconsistent writing throughout, the physical comedy in Larissa FastHorse’s FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT at the Center Theatre Group is what sells this entertaining play. Read more…
Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA