GOD’S MAN IN TEXAS at 2nd Stage

Photo by Michael Lamont

Melinda Schupmann – Arts In LA

Media exposure to the tumult in evangelical mega-churches brought about by the clash of money, power, and ego makes David Rambo’s 1999 cautionary tale a familiar story to modern audiences. The examination of faith, conscience, and ambition is great fodder for drama. Read more…

Les Spindle –  Frontiers L.A.

Writer-director David Rambo‘s seriocomic 1999 play is about men of the cloth who experience personal soul-searching amid institutional power struggles, and this production surpasses the Geffen Playhouse’s 2002 L.A.-premiere rendition. Read more…

Margaret Gray – LA Times

The ensconced veteran reluctant to give up the spotlight. The impatient successor nipping at his heels. This scenario has launched plots from “Paradise Lost” to “The Late Shift.” Read more…

Deborah Klugman – Stage Raw

Power can be a heady drug – and when mixed with religion even headier still.   For example, can a man who perceives himself as a conduit for God’s grace easily relinquish that identity? Maybe not. Read more…

Now running through September 5.