At a May meeting of the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle, David C. Nichols was chosen as the Circle’s president for a one-year term. Nichols, who writes for the L.A. Times and other local publications, had previously held that office from 2008 to 2010.
Outgoing president Bob Verini, who has held the office since 2010, will take over as Awards Chair for the LADCC Awards ceremonies to be held next spring. Verini reviews theater and reports on film and television for Variety.
Sharon Perlmutter of TalkinBroadway.com, and five-time co-producer of the LADCCAwards show, will assume the duties of Vice President. Terry Morgan of LAist.com will serve as Secretary. Mayank Keshaviah of the L.A. Weekly will continue in the post of Treasurer. Pauline Adamek of the L.A. Weekly has accepted the newly created position of Web Content Editor.
The Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle was founded in 1969. It is dedicated to excellence in theatrical criticism and the encouragement and improvement of theater in the Greater Los Angeles area.
Further information about the Circle, articles by members and details of the annual LADCC Awards may be accessed on this site.
Members bios and links to their outlets can also be found here.
Communications to the Circle should be directed to general@ladramacriticscircle.com.