Bob Verini – Stage Raw
The committed theatergoer, confronted with the prospect of a play set in Ireland, may well inquire, “First of all, is it one of the light ones or one of the dark ones?” Read more…
Jonas Schwartz – TheaterMania
Outside Mullingar feels like a memory play of the distant past that is set in modern times. The farming territory of Killucan, Ireland, has a timeless aura. Into this delicate setting, Shanley beautifully tells a quiet tale of unrequited love, where the characters are not so much repressed, but gloomy about what they think they can’t have. Read more…
Myron Meisel – Stage Raw
Bob Verini’s Stage Raw review of John Patrick Shanley’s Outside Mullingar places the show squarely within its proper context, and though much of his take is unassailable, I regard the play with more susceptible affection — though in the Irish manner, all such sentiment and despair are to be doubted in equal measure. Read more…
Pauline Adamek – ArtsBeatLA
Exit Reviews are a series of ‘vlogs’ or brief video reviews, giving first impressions of the show. Read more…
Now running through December 20.