L.A. Theater Briefs: A few last notes for 2023

Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move Finishing out the year with a few last notes…2023 has been a jubilee comeback of Los Angeles Theater. Read more…
Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move Finishing out the year with a few last notes…2023 has been a jubilee comeback of Los Angeles Theater. Read more…
Jonas Schwartz – Theatermania MJ: The Musical, which is now on tour and is playing the Hollywood Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles through January 28 — highlights what made Michael Jackson a legend, even if the book bites off more…
Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move Alexis and Blackie dance to the distortion of seductive addiction in playwright Tim Venable’s “Long Day’s Journey” rehab intersection. And, right from the start, it’s clear from the moment Blackie shows up that…
Deborah Klugman – Stage Raw The play is a familial drama framed by the consequences of a violent act, and while its backdrop politics are sketchy, its vital characters and the combustion they engender make for compelling, relatable drama. Read…
Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move Aaron Posner dusts off a venerable classic; Nicole Travolta is DOING ALRIGHT; A Noise Within’s “balancing act” season: clowns, chaos, and conflict on a high wire; Slipping on 1000 banana peels at The…