THE FALSE SERVANT at the Odyssey Theatre

Photo by Diego Baraj

Terry Morgan  –  Stage Raw

Every theater company has its ups and downs. It’s the nature of artistic endeavor. Evidence Room, celebrating its 20th anniversary as a company, has an admirable history of successful and award-winning plays, most recently with its producing partner, the Odyssey Theatre Ensemble. Unfortunately, their new show, Martin Crimp’s adaptation of Pierre Marivaux’s play The False Servant, is a misfire.  Read more…

Margaret Gray – LA Times

We tend to think of ourselves as the most jaded social observers in history, so it’s always jarring to discover a nearly 300-year-old work of art with a more cynical outlook than our own. Read more…

Dany Margolies  –  Arts In LA

A theatrical nickel says Marivaux has never been performed this subtly. The 18th-century playwright’s work is normally expected to be performed with fluttering fans and rolling eyes. Not here, under the direction of Bart DeLorenzo. Read more…

Now running through September 6.