Steven Leigh Morris – Stage Raw.
There couldn’t be a more worthy topic for a play in these fractious times: Where and how do we find truth? The question would be more potent if one could believe this play’s central premise.
The Lifespan of a Fact contains some scintillating, if inert, arguments: inert, because none of its three characters budges from their cemented, partly truthful, partly conflated, and partly nonsensical arguments. This is one of those plays where the co-authors say, well, believe what you want. Okay, thanks. Not exactly moving the dial, or even the dramatic action. It’s a bit like watching a block of ice remain frozen. You can observe it from a number of angles, which is interesting for a while, but when the theater lights dim at the end of the play, it’s still a block of ice. All that heat, and it hasn’t even dripped. Read more…