Deborah Klugman – LA Weekly
Zombies From The Beyond, which premiered off-Broadway in 1995, takes place in the Eisenhower Years, that era of dull certitude when the Soviet Union was America’s arch-enemy and the possibility of creatures from outer space invading the planet haunted American popular culture. Read more…
Jonas Schwartz – Arts In LA
The Visceral Company has revived Zombie From the Beyond: a goofy, jaunty spoof of Grade-Z horror movies like Ed Wood’s Plan Nine From Outer Space and the Zsa Zsa Gabor epic Queen of Outer Space. Capturing the tone of those bombastic, overwritten scripts; dead-tone acting; and bargain basement sets and special effects, this musical comedy fosters nostalgia for those creaky flicks from The Late, Late…Late Show. Read more…
Now running through July 20.