Pauline Adamek – ArtsBeatLA
A chilling stage adaptation of Orwell’s novel 1984 is now playing at the Broad Stage in Santa Monica through February 6. This adaptation, written and directed by Robert Icke and Duncan Macmillan, highlights today’s serious issues of state-sponsored surveillance, identity and intrusions into our privacy. Read more…
Terry Morgan – Stage Raw
Another day, another show brought to us from across the pond or the continent, borne upon the wings of great reviews. It’s distressingly common, unfortunately, for L.A. producers to import a play that has garnered plaudits in New York or London only for local audiences to discover how bewilderingly wrong those critics were. The new adaptation of George Orwell’s1984 by the Headlong theatre company has a few moments of creative direction, but overall it’s a turgid, baffling disappointment. Read more…
Now running through February 6.