Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA
Methinks Abby Rosebrock is a playwright to watch. Her quirky revelation-a-minute plot and nonstop clever dialogue chockful of double entendres and thrown-away one-liners is skillfully mixed with a survivor’s instinct that eviscerates the selfish and disenfranchising society contemporary millennials and others must navigate in an effort to find love. Read more…
Patrick Chavis – LA Theatre Bites Podcast
9.2 out of 10! Exceptional Show! LA Theatre Bites Recommended! Listen here…
Hoyt Hilsman – Cultural Daily
Dido of Idaho, playwright Abby Rosebrock’s thoughtful and engaging play, loosely inspired by the myth of Dido and Aeneas from Virgil’s Aeneid, gets a fine outing from the Echo Theater Company under the direction of Abigail Deser. Read more…