Jonas Schwartz – Arts In LA
Let’s Misbehave culls many of Cole Porter’s hits and some of his rarities to create a surprisingly touching love triangle. A winning cast of three takes what could have just been a revue of hit-parade songs and makes the audience believe these songs are originating from the characters’ hearts. Read more…
Margaret Gray – LA Times
If you’ve ever left a Cole Porter musical feeling that you haven’t heard quite enough Cole Porter songs, then Long Beach’s International City Theatre may have the antidote: “Let’s Misbehave: A New Cole Porter Musical,” in its lushly executed California premiere.
That subtitle is coy: The songs are old, and Karin Bowersock’s book, about a love triangle among three friends, is a not so much a musical as a sequence of clever pretexts for working in those songs: 34 in all, newly arranged by Patrick Young. Read more…
Now running through February 16.