Bob Verini – Stage Raw
Talk about your call of the wild! The atavistic urge – the impulse to fall in with nature in its most primitive state – is an old standby in drama and literature, and it’s now being applied to strong effect in My Barking Dog, Eric Coble’s startling two-hander at the Theatre @ Boston Court. Read more…
Deborah Klugman – LA Weekly
Like Taste, Benjamin Brand’s recent play about a man driven to devour his own flesh, My Barking Dog by Eric Coble shocks and surprises, and in a most brilliant and entertaining way. Read more…
Dany Margolies – Arts In LA
What is an audience to make of characters who claim they’re telling the truth but who clearly are not doing so? This question comes to mind as Eric Coble’s poetic My Barking Dog turns increasingly metaphoric and untrue to life. Read more…
Sharon Perlmutter – Talkin’ Broadway
My Barking Dog is one of those plays that starts out relatively normally and ends up someplace unbelievable. I generally dig plays like this Read more…
Now running through May 24.