Jonas Schwartz – Theatermania
POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive contains all the elements of farce: slamming doors, overheard conversations, accidents, and Chekhovian guns — both literal and figurative. While some moments of this 2022 comedy, now at the Geffen Playhouse, are inspired, they quite often fizzle as the mania bounces around the theater, landing without impact. Read more…
Socks Whitmore – Stage Raw
It goes without saying that a political play will never be able to please everyone, but if you want to see The West Wing meets Wolf of Wall Street — or a coked-out Barbie sequel — POTUS is an audacious, snappy critique of how impossible it is to be a woman in the White House, and the excuses often made for men in power. Read more…
Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move
Travis Michael Holder – TicketHoldersLA
For any of us who have the distinct feeling that American politics has descending at warpspeed headfirst into the realm of farce at its most outrageous, Selina Fillinger’s POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive is just the ticket. Read more…
Harker Jones – BroadwayWorld
Patrick Chavis – LA Theatre Bites Podcast
8.7 out of 10! Great Show! LA Theatre Bites Recommended! Listen more…
Anita W. Harris – LA Theatrix
As directed by Jennifer Chambers, the seven well-cast actresses don’t miss a word or beat—both necessary in keeping the farcical bubble bouncing. Though all seven commendably embrace the physical absurdity of their roles and are fun to watch, Billings as the president’s wife delivers her punch lines with especially perfect timing, pausing and smirking with droll presence. Read more…