Bob Verini – ArtsInLA
As Greek tragedies go, Prometheus Bound poses something of a staging nightmare. There’s no betrayed wife out to murder her own children and her rival, no king brought to understand the truth about the older woman he married. Instead, it’s a solemn religioso pageant in which the god who created mortal man, and went on to endow us with intelligence, hope, skills, and fire, is sentenced to be chained to a rock face and tormented for eternity, in perhaps the world’s first example of no good deed going unpunished.
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Steven Leigh Morris – LA Weekly
In his program note to his elegant and fervent staging of the 5th-century Greek tragedy, Prometheus Bound director Travis Preston writes, “The dramaturgy of Prometheus Bound asks us to question common assumptions of theater practice — assumptions related to individual psychology, personality, and the nature of human motivation and identity. This exceptional play urges investigation of other pathways,” which Preston goes on to describe as “communal identity, gestural power and the iconic.”
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Now running through September 28.