WHY I DIED, A COMEDY at the Hudson Theatres

Photo by Michael Lamont

Pauline Adamek – LA Weekly

Katie Rubin’s energetic solo piece presents a typical tale of the struggling actor who, yearning for success, ventures on a journey of spiritual discovery and then cobbles together a string of experiences and calls it a show. The result is a meandering yarn featuring miscellaneous miracles and offering little insight with no clear resolution.
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Bob Verini – ArtsInLA

Why I Died, A Comedy! is an example of the vast and ever-growing subgenre of autobiographical monodrama that might be called Self-Help Theater, works evidently constructed either in lieu of therapy or in tandem with it. In any such entertainment—a word I hope isn’t too frivolous for the sensibilities of the artists involved—the performer details one or more pivotal life events, often though not always wrapped up in some sort of spiritual quest, and fills us in on how he or she has struggled and changed and come out on the other side.
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Now running through January.