Myron Meisel – Stage Raw
Set entirely in the confines of the office of the British Consul in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, during the first day of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, Zealot, by the well-established and prolific Theresa Rebeck (Seminar, Mauritius, Bad Dates, Spike Heels), cannot avoid being a presumptuous play, satirizing and exposing obtuse Western perceptions that fig-leaf heedless and narrow interests while inevitably giving way to indulging in ironic Near East Orientalisms of its own. Read more…
Hoyt Hilsman – Huffington Post
Theresa Rebeck’s dramatic essay on the many layers of conflict in the Middle East – political, religious, cultural and diplomatic – is a deftly drawn piece of Shavian drama that satisfies on several levels. Read more…
Now running through November 16.