Evangeline Edwards, Samuel Garnett and Stephen Tyler Howell (Photo by John Perrin Flynn)
Terry Morgan – ArtsBeatLA
In a world in which a repulsive con man can get elected president and turn the entire Republican party into a credulous and insane mob, it’s to be expected that somebody would try to write a play about how the conservative movement has become so unhinged. Will Arbery’s Heroes of the Fourth Turning, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, is and isn’t that play. It doesn’t deal with the MAGA-hat wearing rubes we see constantly on our televisions, or the politicians racing each other to the bottom with their racist dog whistles and ever more outrageous lies. Instead it deals with intelligent conservatives who are struggling with their beliefs, which makes it unique in our current environment. It’s a very smart, heartfelt, darkly funny drama, and the current Los Angeles premiere by Rogue Machine is excellent. Read more…
Katie Buenneke – Stage Raw
It’s probably fair to generalize that most theater audiences, particularly audiences in Los Angeles, skew towards the stereotype of “coastal liberals.” Given this, it seems unlikely that the theatergoing public would want to watch Heroes of the Fourth Turning, a play set in rural Wyoming, that sympathetically depicts right-wing millennials. And yet it is necessary viewing — a tour de force of writing, direction, and acting. Read more…
Tracey Paleo – Gia On The Move
Every season there is inevitably a new work that stands apart from the rest. HEROES OF THE FOURTH TURNING, takes the giant leap into dissecting the hot button issues that are dividing America today. And it is SO good! Read more…
Patrick Chavis – LA Theatre Bites Podcast
9.4 out of 10! Exceptional Show! LA Theatre Bites Recommended! Read more…