LOST GIRLS at Rogue Machine

Pauline Adamek – ArtsBeatLA

Almost immediately after the central protagonist Maggie (Jennifer Pollono) bustles onto the stage, pretty soon she’s letting fly a string of profanity. We are abruptly dropped into playwright John Pollono’s milieu, inhabited by working class New Hampshire types who are struggling to make ends meet.
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Deborah Klugman – LA Weekly

Idiosyncratic characters, colorful language and clever one-liners don’t always make a “dramedy” click. John Pollono’s latest play is set in working class New England and revolves around a divorced single mom, Maggie (Jennifer Pollono), who wakes one snowy morning to discover her car and teenage daughter Erica (Anna Theoni DiGiovanni) missing. Read more

Sharon Perlmutter  –  Talkin’ Broadway

It is a nightmare scenario for any parent: your car is gone, your 17-year-old daughter is nowhere to be found, and there’s a snowstorm making driving especially hazardous. That is precisely what befalls divorced couple Maggie and Lou in John Pollono’s world-premiere play Lost Girls, and the show follows their attempts to find their daughter while they also, awkwardly, try to provide some necessary support for each other despite the rift between them. Read more…

Now running through November 4.